Konstantina Nikolakis


Konstantina Nikolakis is a writer, researcher, learner, artist and reader. She brings a critical multicultural perspective inspired by her studies in anti-colonial movements and grounded in intersectionality and justice. Konstantina feels that culture, art, and technology are powerful tools that can be used to dismantle inequity and educate others.

She works with Inclusivity as an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Specialist to develop the most accessible and inclusive cutting-edge resources and materials for our clients to succeed. She believes that communicating with empathy and compassion is critical to overcoming barriers and connecting with others. She believes words matter but that actions must follow suit. 

Konstantina holds an Honours Bachelors of Arts in Diaspora Studies, Communications, Culture, Information and Technology, and Professional Writing from the University of Toronto. In her studies, she focused on postcolonial theory and cross-cultural communication. 

Konstantina holds a certificate in Digital Communications from Sheridan College and has received a Gold Key in Visual Art from the Boston Globe Scholastic Art Awards. 

Other team members

Shona Reid

Director of Marketing and Operations