Embracing Truth for Meaningful Reconciliation

Supporting Indigenous Cultural Safety in our personal and professional lives requires us to self-reflect and consciously seek out Indigenous voices so we can enact the principles of reconciliation: truth, justice, equity and participation.

Acknowledging Indigenous Peoples & Traditional Territories

At Inclusivity, we encourage everyone to acknowledge the systemic discrimination that Indigenous Peoples face, learn about the history of the land where you live, work and play, reflect on what that means to you and incorporate an acknowledgement of this into your professional meetings and events. In consultation with people from Indigenous communities, we have […]

Deconstructing Muslim Hate and Islamophobia in the Workplace

Deconstructing Anti-Muslim Discrimination

How do we as leaders or colleagues begin to dismantle systemic discrimination and be better allies to our Muslim colleagues?  There are over 1 million Muslims in Canada. Muslims represent about 3.7 percent of the population and are the fastest growing religious group in the country1. Yet many people in Canada hold unfavourable views of […]

Black History Month is Over but the Work Must Continue Year-Round – Here’s How:

Black History Month is over, but the celebration of Black History and supporting your Black team members should be an integral part of your business plan year-round. Meaningful change requires commitment and can’t be relegated to a single holiday, milestone, or month. We encourage you to do your research, learn from other organizations’ mistakes, and […]